Has Panda 4.2 Arrived? What to Know About The New Google Algorithm Refresh

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Panda 4.2 Google Algorithm Refresh

Have you noticed any changes in website traffic? No? It’s not a surprise that many webmasters have not noticed Panda 4.2 officially rolling out, because this one is a slow rollout: It could take months before it is complete. With that being said, a lot of us didn’t even notice this refresh that started rolling out on July 17, 2015.

What We Know About This Google Refresh So Far

  • Not a full algorithm update, just a Panda refresh
  • 2-3% of queries are being affected
  • A smaller refresh in comparison to older Panda refreshes; the previous refresh is affecting 3-5% of queries.
  • Unsure of how long this refresh will be rolling out for
  • The first Panda refresh in 10 months

Take a look at the MozCast data from the week Panda 4.2 began rolling out:
Mozcast - Google Panda 4.2 - Eminent SEO

You’ll notice a difference with Friday being cloudy, because that’s the day Google began rolling out the Panda refresh. It still doesn’t look like a huge spike, though, which is why a lot of people were unaware.

What Can I Do to Avoid Being Negatively Impacted by the Panda Refresh?

At this point, if you make changes to your website to reduce the repercussions of Panda, it’s not going to prevent this refresh from impacting your site. Once a refresh begins rolling out, you want to make sure your website is already equipped with high-quality content that is not duplicate or “thin.” Any time your website is not abiding by the Google Quality Guidelines, it could see a negative impact from an algorithm refresh or update, especially Panda, which specifically targets websites with thin content.

What you can do is run a quick crawl report for your website. If you notice any canonical issues causing duplicate content, get those fixed immediately.

Another step you can take is run a duplicate content test for internal site-wide content as well as a test for other sites on the web. Make sure there isn’t much common content on your site or worse, duplicate. You want your content to be mostly or entirely unique and high in quality.

The last thing you could do is make sure there isn’t any content on your website that’s lacking in invaluable user experience. If there are any doorway pages on your site, these could harm its search rankings.

How Do I Know if My Website Has Been Impacted?

If you’ve recently seen a sudden decline or incline in organic traffic, it could be that your website has been impacted by the newest refresh. Not many websites are showing much movement yet, but if you’ve noticed a drop within the last week and a half, that could be related to Panda 4.2. If you believe your site has been negatively impacted, read more here on how to recover from a Google penalty.

Looking to find out if your website has been impacted by this algorithm refresh? Our SEO experts can weigh in. Just give us a call to learn more about our website audits and pricing: 800.871.4130.

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Team Eminent SEO

Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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About Team Eminent SEO

Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

2 thoughts on “Has Panda 4.2 Arrived? What to Know About The New Google Algorithm Refresh

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  2. Avatar for Team Eminent SEOJacob Lageveen

    Its all good information and true. But dont forget that you shouldnt just write unique content because an update is coming. You always need your website up to date. And write alot of text!


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