SEO Title Tag Best Practices

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When it comes to SEO essentials, nothing compares to title tags; those handy descriptions that show up in your browser bars. And though a great many search engines work to keep these tags hidden, their importance is far from debatable. Today we’ll take a look back at title tags, what they are, their role, and how to use them properly.

Meta Tags

Title tags and meta tags go hand in hand. These refer to XHTML and HTML elements used to describe a site for web users and search engines alike.

Meta tags are found in the header section of an HTML page, and include the Title Tag, Description, and Keywords.

Title Tags

Title tags make up an area of the meta tags, which appear towards the top of the HTML header. They serve to report a basic description regarding what each page of a site is about to users and search engines.

Title tags also serve to help people determine whether to visit a page when it is returned in search results, and will contain various keywords used by search engines to determine the site content.

Writing & Formatting

How To Write A Title Tag

Example: <title>Main Keyword Goes Here – Benefit – Branding</title>

Keep in mind that this tag is the single most important tag for any given page. It relays the content of your page to the search engine, making it vital to web traffic and ranking.  The Title should include your main keyword and a benefit for your users.  Keep the title under 70 characters including spaces.  Remember, not every page in your site has to contain your brand at the end of the title.  Include branding only if you have enough space.

Title Tags, Google & You

Google runs the show. If Google decides that your title tag is lacking, it may rewrite the tag without your direct say-so. In order to avoid a Google-altered title tag, you must follow a few basic guidelines: Make sure that each tag you write is page specific, short, descriptive to the content found on the page and not stuffed to the brim with unnecessary keywords. Google, along with most other search engines will likely dock you points for what they call “keyword stuffing”, and as such, this practice should be avoided at all costs.

Keyword Stuffing


Pink & Purple Neon Lights | Lighting |


Pink Neon Lights, Purple Neon Lights, Lights Galore | Lights & More |

As you can see, the difference lies in repetition. Nobody likes hearing the same old story over and over again, and the same rules apply to title tags. The key lies in getting your point across quickly, using as little a character count as possible. Combine your products, do away with repetitive words and try adding a category keyword to the equation.

Writing Examples

Let’s say your keywords are “Apple”, “iPad” and “3”. Your title tag should be arranged in that particular order: Apple iPad 3

Apple will serve as the initial word for the tag.

Let’s add more words to the batter, and include “retina display” in the tag. “Apple iPad 3” would serve as the first section of the tag, followed by a pipe | with “Retina Display”as the final phrase: Apple iPad 3 | Retina Display

Continue this practice in order of importance to the topic at hand. The further to the right the phrase appears, the less importance Google will place with it.

Need Help?

Title tags got you down? Give us a call today to discuss how Eminent SEO’s team of search engine specialists can help your site get the traffic and ranking it deserves.

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Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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