Why Content Marketing is Key (Infographic)

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The old cliche, “Content is King”, holds it’s weight in value. With the multiple post-Panda updates we’ve seen in the last few months, it’s even more important to produce unique content while involving social media into the loop of your content strategy.

Content Marketing Investments are Significant

Based on Alinean’s infographic on content marketing, looks like we can expect budgets to increase. An average of 26% of marketing budgets are allocated on content marketing.

Content Marketing and Business Size

Small businesses seem to spend  the largest percentage of their marketing budget for content marketing. Small businesses with less than ten employees spend around the 34% mark on content marketing while the larger companies are spending anywhere from 21-25%.

Infographic courtesy of Alinean

One Size Does Not Fit All When it Comes to Content

Now more than ever, unique, personalized content that reaches your specific industry and audience is vital in creating any value for your business. Research from Marketingsherpa and KnowledgeStorm shows that targeted content is more effective when customized for:

Source: KnowledgeStorm & MarketingSherpa

Contact us now, and see how we can create a unique content strategy for you and/or your business now!

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Team Eminent SEO

Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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About Team Eminent SEO

Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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