Link Building for SEO – A Few Tips

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Everyone can agree that link building is key to search engine optimization, but it’s much easier than it sounds. To be honest, the easiest and most sure way is to hire a web marketing company and have them launch a cohesive link building campaign on your behalf. Some people like to do things the hard way, so here are our tips. If it doesn’t work out, and you find yourself in need of a internet marketing firm after all, just give us a call!

A great place to start is curating. You don’t need to be an expert or a terrific writer to create linkworthy content. Usually it’s websites that aggregate other people’s original content which people find themselves visiting religiously. Just remember to give proper credit where credit is due. If you’re a decent, somewhat entertaining writer, another thing you can do is do a little guest blogging. Everyone who has a blog likes to take a day off here and there, and let someone else do the work creating content. Research has shown that it takes eight views of a brand name or logo to have it stick in a person’s memory On the web, your name is your brand, and guest blogging helps you get it in front of people’s eyeballs and into their brain. Guest blogging not only gets you links, it also can lead to more subscribers for your blog. Also for the writers, create a beginner’s guide in your area of expertise. No matter your field, there’s some newbie who’s looking to learn the basics. If you can manage to teach someone something, often, they’ll end up repaying you in link backs. The most difficult, but most rewarding in terms of links is simply to be ahead of the curve. It often involves sheer luck, but if you’re one of the first people to report some new development, or pass along fresh information, anyone who covers the topic and uses you as a source will refer back to you.

So, let’s say you’re not a great writer. Your content is boring and your audience is waning. If you’ve got some dough to spread around, consider sponsorships and/or partnerships. You’ll get link love on all related websites and materials, and fresh eyeballs on your brand. It’s a bit of a cheap shot, but you might also consider dropping a name here and there. Research some up-and-comers in your field and develop a list to include them on. Make it flattering. People love to see their names in print (even if it’s only on the web) and will usually blast the link to your content out to their own networks. If all else fails, try a contest. Companies who produce the products that moms use, have to pay dirt using this concept.. The second they announce a contest, the mommy bloggers link to it and millions of moms join in the linking fray. If there’s one thing people love, it’s free stuff.

If this all sounds too complicated, or you’ve tried (and failed) already, then there’s no doubt about it – it’s time to call in a professional. Get in touch with a SEO consultant here at Eminent SEO. We’ll have your business climbing the search engine rankings in no time flat. Link backs optional!

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Team Eminent SEO

Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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About Team Eminent SEO

Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

3 thoughts on “Link Building for SEO – A Few Tips

  1. Avatar for Team Eminent SEOAnjali

    Thanks for this very important article. SEO isn’t simple but you have to do it. Without this work, it’s very difficult to get a good rank in google.

  2. Avatar for Team Eminent SEODesmond

    Yup. I don’t think people fully comprehend the time and effort it takes to develop good links and content. Thanks for the article.


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